Thursday, April 21, 2011


There was a very nice advertisement in our local newspaper today. It had a picture of a cat, and birthday wishes for the cat's fifteenth birthday. I think this was a great gesture towards a beloved pet.

Cats have a slightly longer life expectancy than dogs, I believe. Still, fifteen years is a long life for a cat.

It is many years left, but if I live to be fifteen years old, perhaps I can get an advertisement like that one as well.


Ylva said...

Det var rart gjort att hylla sin katt. Vi mattar och hussar är nog lite knasiga ibland i andras ögon men relationen till ett älskat husdjur är något speciellt.

Daily Hailey said...

Ja, jag antar att vilda djur ser oss sällskapsdjur som litet tokiga också, med vår relation till älskade människor.