Saturday, August 12, 2006

Jiro the Victorious

My brother Jiro was the most successful of us at the dog show today. While I got a first prize in quality and honourary prize, and Mum got a CK and was reserve in best of bitches, Jiro got CK, his second certificate, and was second best male. We congratulated him.

In theory, Jiro does not have to go to any other dog show before he is two years old. In order to become Swedish Champion, you need three certificates, at least one of which is won after the second birthday. Well, this is if you count becoming a champion the only goal of your dog show career. There are so many other things about dog shows. You can win Best of Breed, you can meet interesting new and dear old friends et cetera. I like many aspects of dog shows appart from the quest for certificates. One aspect is meeting my brother Jiro. I would not like for him not to come to any more dog shows where I can meet him, until after his second birthday. Besides, I would like him to be there and congratulate me to my fist certificate, which I am sure I will not have to wait too long to get. Victory will come to me as well, I am sure of that.


Anonymous said...

Vilka framgångar för Jiro. Måste kännas bra för er att se att er uppfödning lyckas så bra. Grus tycker dock att Hailey är sötast och att hon förtjänar en rejäl lön efter helgens utställningsslit. :)

Daily Hailey said...

Skulle Grus vara domare kanske man skulle få sitt första cert, då...