Saturday, April 08, 2006


Paula has an exam at the university. We wish her all the luck she can get. She studies a lot and should get her reward for that.

I am not studying at the university, I am home schooled. Mum, Dad, and auntie Linni teach me what it is to be a dog, more specifically a shiba. Being a shiba is an exceptional case of being a dog, an exceptionally good case. Paula and Daniel teach me how to be a good dog and fit into the human society. Paula is also a good teacher on the skill of being a show dog. This is the subject where I get to take exams, by participating in dog shows. In a matter of speaking, Mum has three degrees in this subject, since she is champion in three countries. Paula and Daniel hope I will be champion as well, I hope so too.

This evening, I took one further step towards being an adult shiba. I jumped up in Paula's and Daniel's bed all by myself, just like Mum, Dad, and auntie can do. It was fun playing around there.

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