Monday, March 27, 2006

Here Comes the Rain Again

I have not experienced rain since my early puphood. (This is a word I might have made up myself, from the human word childhood. It is nice, isn't it?) This afternoon and evening, it was raining again. It was not raining much, but steadily. Mum, Dad, and auntie say rain is good, because it makes the snow melt away faster. They are not as fond of the snow now as when it was new and fun to play around in. I have not experienced much else than snow. As I have said before, spring will be an exciting new experience.

Another new thing is that it was dark as in the middle of the night this morning again on the morning walk. This is because Sweden has daylight savings time again. The morning light is saved until the evening. Rather silly, if you ask me - it does not feel as much like spring when there is no daylight on the morning walks.


Anonymous said...

*skrattar* Puphood var ett jättebra ord. Mycket bättre än den svenska översättningen som ju torde bli valpdom. Det här med sommartid ger jag inte mycket för, jag heller. Skulle hellre börja jobba tidigare och flexa ut på eftermiddagen. Men, men - det är ju inte jag som styr över den politiska tiden (som min far kallar sommartiden).

Anonymous said...

Konstigt att det står "anonym" trots att jag valde "other" och skrev in mitt namn. Det här med datorer osv....
