Saturday, March 08, 2025

Swedish Contest

The Swedish qualification competition for the Eurovision Song Contest finished today. The winner was Bara bada bastu, sung in Swedish by ethnic Swedes from Finland. 

We have nothing against being represented in the Eurovision Song Contest by people from Finland. As Daniel says, there are just historical coincidences that they live in an area which is not part of Sweden anymore. The problem is that the song is not serious. It is a funny song, but more for a vau-de-ville or something, than a serious contender to win the Eurovision Song Contest. We are disappointed.

Morran hopes that Germany will win. 

Friday, March 07, 2025

Spring for Now

We have had warm temperatures outside, for the season, and sunlight. Spring is here, for now. 

The weather forecast says there will be temperatures below the freezing point for several days next week. The winds will come from the north. 

A forecast is just a forecast, things may change. We hope they will change for warmer weather. However, we do not put our hope too high. When the weather forecast does not predict the weather accurately, the truth often turn out to be worse than the forecast. We just have to wait and see, and prepare to stay warm indoors. 

Thursday, March 06, 2025

A Cracker?

We took it easy at home in the early evening, when suddenly, we heard an explosion outside. 

It sounded like one of those crackers you hear at New Year. We decided that it probably was. There is no reason to think it was a more sinister explosion, like a gun or a far away bomb. Thunder normally as a more rolling sound and is quite uncommon this time of the year.

We wondered why anyone would use a cracker tonight. In the end, however, it does not matter much. We went back to our rest. 

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Smoke Bomb in Parliament

A Member of Parliament in Serbia used smoke bombs in the parliamentary chamber during a meeting yesterday. 

A parliament is a place for peaceful debates and decision making. It is not a place for violence. We hope the member who did this will be prosecuted for it. 

There can be heated debates in our city council, where Daniel is a member. It is, however, far from smoke bombs. This is good. 

Tuesday, March 04, 2025


There is an owl living close to us. We have heard it howl. Owls are birds of prey. I can understand them, they eat meat, so do we dogs. The downside is that owls are actually big enough to take a Chihuahua. Daniel or Paula keep us company, when we go outside at nighttime, because of the owl. We wish the owl would move away from here. 

Monday, March 03, 2025

A Little Cheese

Paula and Daniel came home late from a meeting. They had some cheese as late night snack. We also got a little cheese. We all wish we would have been given more. Our cheese was eaten too quickly. 

Cheese is tasty. Good cheese is almost as good as meat. It was a great late night snack. 

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Swedish Victories

Sweden had a great day in cross country skiing. A Swedish man won Vasaloppet, the classic Swedish 90 km ski race. This was the first Swedish victory in many years. Norwegians have won many years in a row, but not this year. A Swedish woman won the ladies’ class in Vasaloppet. 

Meanwhile, in the Cross Country World Championship, which takes place in Norway, a Swedish woman won the race of today. 

It was a good day to root for Sweden.