Friday, February 28, 2025

Coming Home Early

Paula just worked half a day today, then she came home. Daniel also arrived home in the early afternoon. It became a good day, when everyone was at home from early on. We like this. 

Daniel has a cold. Part of the reason he came home early, was to rest, to get rid of the cold. We dogs were glad to help him rest, by keeping him company. We all took it easy. 

All of this made for a good start of the weekend, except for Daniel’s cold. It looks like the weekend will be good. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Japan Beat the USA

In women’s football, Japan beat the United States. It was the final game of the She Believes Cup, which the USA had won five times in a row. 

Our Shiba friends would have been pleased. This is why I write about it. It was also a somewhat surprising result. The USA is normally the better team in women’s football. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

New Router

We have a new router and a new wi-fi network. Paula installed everything today. It is supposed to be at least as good as the old one, and much cheaper. So far, it works fine. We believe it fulfills the promises given.

Wi-fi is a good thing. It helps me with the blog, and it helps all of us with a lot of other things on line. It is almost as good as good food, when you feel like it. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

On and On

Daniel was at the city council today. Once he got home, he told us a bit about it. He said the final debate just went on and on, with the same arguments, for about an hour. While it is important that every city councillor may say what she or he wants to say, some debates feel like they get too long. Other debates feel more concentrated and clear. We can understand that Daniel likes the latter kind of debates a little better than the former. He still says there are good things about every debate, but that it would be strange if you would not be able to rank them. This is understandable. We do not envy Daniel, but this is just us. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

A Lot of Cheese

When Daniel came home, he brought a sandwich for Paula. As usual, Paula had asked for a lot of cheese. We got to taste a little of the cheese. Once we did, we fully understood why Paula wanted to have so much of this particular cheese. All cheese is good, but this was better than most. We would like to have more of it, but I guess we will have to wait for it. We will get other great food, anyway.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


Spring seems to be on its way. We just wish the weather could be better. We had to go out in cold rain this afternoon. With just a few degrees above the freezing point, it is muddy outside and the rain felt colder than snow would. You can just shake the snowflakes off, but the raindrops stay and keep making you colder.

It was better the other times we went outside, no rain. We don’t want to complain, either. The upcoming spring and summer can be nice. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Throwing Things Away

Last Sunday, Paula and Daniel helped to move things out of the old Kennel Club house. They continued today. Once they came back home, they told us that almost all of it is done now. There are just a little more things to do in the week to come. We are proud that Paula and Daniel have contributed so much. Meanwhile, we were at home, watching the house. It has been a productive day. 

Friday, February 21, 2025


We got some ham, when Paula got home from her work. This was a good way to start the Friday night. 

Friday nights are good, because they are the start of the weekends. Paula and Daniel are often at home much more during the weekends than other days. As dogs, we love this. We love ham a little more, perhaps, but it is always good when everyone in the family is at home. 

Payment for the Care of Dogs

The Appelate Administrative Court of Gothenburg (Kammarrätten i Göteborg) has ruled in a case on the payment of dogs that were taken care of by the authorities. It was a judgment on the 18 February 2025 in case no 4521-24. The dogs had been seized by the authorities, because their human did not take proper care of them. The human then did not want to pay for the care that the authorities gave the dogs. The Court decided that the human had to pay for the care of his dogs. It was a high amount of money, but this was to a large extent due to the human herself, who had taken a lot of time to complain about the caretaking, instead of rectifying her ways to get the dogs back. 

We agree with the court, it is the human who should pay for the care that others give her dogs. We only hope it all turns out for the best for the dogs, the judgment does not say anuåything about this. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025


While I do not know what Skagenröra is called in English, I know this Swedish specialty is very tasty.

We had some Skagenröra that we had to finish today, before it would go bad. It made for a great late night snack. I love late night snacks, especially when they are so tasty as Skagenröra. 

Daniel had some Skagenröra as well. I told him he did not need to, but could give it to us dogs. He didn’t, he wanted it for himself. I cannot blame him. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Morran has a new medicine, to deal with an illness she has. She does not like her medicine pills.

When Paula tries to trick Morran to take the medicine by folding it into ham, this gives Pepe and me an opportunity to eat ham as well. Thus, we like that Morran gets medicine.

Morran says we are not sympathetic enough, but we like the ham. She just has to deal with this. We love Morran anyway. We know she knows this. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Zoom Meeting

We had a Zoom meeting about upcoming dog shows tonight. It was actually Daniel’s meeting, but all of us dogs could hear what was said. It was quite interesting.

More evening meetings should be like this, instead of meetings when Daniel is not at home. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Moving Out

Paula and Daniel were away today to contribute to the efforts to move out of the old club house of Örebro län’s Kennel Club. 

All of us dogs stayed at home. We had the important duty as watch dogs. 

I have been in the old club house, but not in the new one, so far. The new club house is in the same area, newly renovated, but smaller than the old one, I have been told. It will be interesting to see it. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Meeting Orange

Last autumn, the Shiba Orange was here for a week. She was born and raised here, by our humans, and also had her own litters of pups here.

Paula and Daniel went to Orange and her current family tonight. When they came back home, it was obvious they had had a great time. I can understand this, Orange is a very nice and friendly dog. It was good that Paula and Daniel had a good time. So did we, back home. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Back Home

Daniel was away with his job for two days, but came back home tonight. He had had a good time, except that he missed us dogs, the cats, and Paula, he said. 

We understand him, we all missed him at home, as well. As usual, it feels good that everyone is at home now. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025


This morning, our friend Morran bled. There was blood on the floor. After a while outside, she hardly bled at all. The body is fantastic, that it can heal itself. I just wonder why there was blood. Morran did not know, it came just as she woke up in the morning. I wish her good health. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


We are getting tired of the winter. We know there is a lot of days still to go in February, so winter will certainly continue for a while. We may still be tired of it. There are times when Pepe and I wish we would live in the warm lands of Mexico, where our breed is from. We like Sweden, just not the long and cold winters, but we have to endure. Summer will come. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Monkey Cut the Power

A monkey got in to an electric power plant in Sri Lanka and managed to cut the power to the whole country.

People say thd Swedish power grid is bad. It must be very good compared to that of Sri Lanka, though. 

Sunday, February 09, 2025


There are different opinions on the origin of the food dish hamburger. Some say it originated in a small American town by the name Hamburg, which has its name from the big German city Hamburg. Nobody knows for sure, though.

It may be however it pleases with the historic origin. Hamburgers are good food, regardless of this. We got hamburgers for dinner today. It was great. It was a nice end to the weekend. 

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Song Contest Qualifyer

It was the second Swedish round of the qualifying contest for the Eurovision Song Contest. We did not watch it last Saturday and not this Saturday. Life is quite good anyway.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Clear Sky

It was mild weather yesterday, but cold outside this morning. Apparently, this has a connection with the clear sky we had during the nighht. If this is the case, I hope it will be overcast tonight.

Thursday, February 06, 2025

No Sports Gala

The Örebro Sports Gala 2025 would have been held today. It has been postponed. People agreed it was no time to party on a gala so soon after the Tuesday mass murder.

We understand this decision. It was the best decision under these circumstances. We still hope the gala can be held later in the year, even though we were not invited. We do not deny others to celebrate. 

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Spring Will Come

Spring will come. We had very mild temperatures today. It was up to 7⁰ C in the afternoon. We look forward to summer.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Mass Murder

There has been a mass murder in our home town.

Words are not enough to explain our feelings today. 

Monday, February 03, 2025

No New Telephone Yet

Paula has ordered a new telephone. Her current one does not work properly. She has tried everything, but finally had to buy a new one.

The telephone was supposed to arrive today. It did not. She will have to wait for a day or two more.

In cases like this, I am glad I am a dog. Nobody expects me to have a telephone. They have to reach me by other means.

Sunday, February 02, 2025


Did you believe Christmas was over? Forty days after Christmas Eve, Candlemas is ceelbrated for the Mother of Christ, Virgin Mary. This is today.

The Swedish word for this day is a little old fashioned. It is Kyndelsmässodagen, where kyndel is originally the same word as candle. Mässa is, of course, the Swedish word for the mas written with one s in English. Dag is the Swedish word for day.

We do not celebrate Candlemas in any significant way. It is, however, Sunday this Candlemas, so we can all take it easy. This is good.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

No Spring In Sight

This morning, Daniel said it will soon be spring. He explained that it is February, which is often considered the last winter month.

We had temperatures below the freezing point and frost today. I do not feel as optimistic as Daniel did. Winter has a lot more to give. There is no spring in sight yet.