Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Frost and Fire

We had frost outdoors this morning. Daniel lit a fire in the fire place in the living room.

It is nice to have a fire to add to the indoor heat, when it is colder than usual outdoors.

I believe I have written about this before, but dogs are well off, having humans to control fire for us. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Shrimp Sandwich

It was the Shrimp Sandwich Day today. Paula, Daniel, Totte, and the three of us dogs shared a shrimp sandwich.

Shrimps are tasty. I wish we could get shrimps more often. Totte, Morran, and Pepe agreed with me. Daniel was more undecided, however. I guess we will have to see if our wish makes him change his mind further on. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Coming Home

Daniel was away this weekend. He came home this afternoon. This is great, because Paula has been rather boring all weekend. She has not been feeling well, so she has an excuse, but it is still better when Daniel is also at home. We hope next weekend will be better. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Dog Without Family

The South east of the USA has been struck by a tornado. This is common in the autumn. Some humans have died. We are especially sorry to hear about the dog Benji, who survived, while his humans died. We hope he will get a new family soon. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Rain in the Morning

It rained in the morning. This meant we just went out in the garden for a while, but there was no need for a morning walk. It is good that the weather may play a role in decisions like this one on the morning walk.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Funny Claims About Weather

With the recent hurricane that has struck Florida, there have been people who have suggested the hurricane was created by humans who manipulated the weather. This must have started as a joke, but apparently, some people believe in it. Humans are good at many things, but they cannot control the weather. We had a good time talking about this joke here at home. 

Wednesday, October 09, 2024


Daniel got home late tonight, after a business trip. However, he came home with sushi. 

Sushi is good food. Morran got more sushi than Pepe or I. She said this is because sushi is from Japan, her breed is from Germany, Japanese civil law is based on the German Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch, thus, Japan would be nothing without Germany, and she represents Germany, which means she has a certain right to eat sushi. Neither Paula, nor I or Pepe understood this line of reasoning. Daniel said he understood, but I am not sure he really did. Nevertheless, Morran got quite a lot of sushi. I wish I would have gotten more. 

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Cheek to Cheek

There are instances when humans dance cheek to cheek. Dogs very rarely dance at all. A few dogs dance in the freestyle sport, but this is rare. We can, however, lie cheek to cheek with a human. Paula and I lied cheek to cheek tonight. We both enjoyed this. Life is being close to your family. 

Monday, October 07, 2024

Perhaps a Little Milder

It was not quite as cold this morning, as most mornings last week. It is the name day of Birgitta and Britta, which is the origin of the Swedish word brittsommar. This means a warmer period in the middle of autumn, around this day. The phenomenon is called Indian summer in English. Even though the morning temperature was a little higher than last week, I would not say this phenomenon has come this year. It does not come every year. We just have to accept that we are steadily going towards winter. 

Sunday, October 06, 2024

The Telephone Came Back

Paula found her missing mobile telephone. It was lying in the bedroom, about where she thought she had lost it. 

It is good that the telephone is back. Paula gets happier, and by consequence, so do we. 

Appart from this, we had a good day today, taking it easy. 

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Lost Telephone

Paula has missplaced her telephone somewhere at home. She has not been able to find it, and has been whining about it. We do believe she could have tried harder to look for it. Then she would surely have found it and we would all have been happier. 

It is a sad thing mobile telephones do not have any particular smell. We dogs could have found Paula’s telephone by searching forint with our noses, if it had. 

Friday, October 04, 2024


We had a little frost on the ground this morning. It was slightly colder than the freezing point for water.

It is autumn, so this is not surprising. Winter will come this season too, regardless of how badly we would want it not to come. In a way, this is reasuring, at least. Some things are what they always use to be.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

German National Holiday

It is the 3 October and Morran is celebrating the national holiday of Germany, home country of her breed. It was on the 3 October many years ago that East Germany merged into West Germany to form modern day Germany. 

We celebrate with Morran, of course. Every reason to celebrate is a good reason.

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit! 

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Morning Walk in the Dark

It is getting darker every morning and evening. This morning was the first this season when Daniel used his reflective vest on the morning walk. This was because it was still dark outside at the start of the walk. Daylight arrived during the walk, but it was still safer to wear that vest from the start. We have lights inside, anyway. Lights are good. 

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

A Just Fight

When I got mad at Pepe today, Paula and Daniel would not accept it, and took me away from him. They did not see how Pepe provoked me. It was a just fight on my part. This does not matter, if your humans do not see anything but your response to the provocation. I wish I could convince them I was right all along.

Nevertheless, Pepe and I are friends again. We usually are. This is good.