Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Few Things from the Barn

We have some old things stores in the barn on our land. Daniel brought some of these things into the house today. He was happy to have found some of these things. Apparently, he had forgotten where someone these things were.

It is always nice to find things that you have lost. I do not store old things out in the barn, however. This makes it less likely my things get lost. I am happy for Daniel, though, that he found those lost things. Life is easier as a dog, we do not put things away in storage like that. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Late Night Rain

When we were outside for the night, it was nice weather. Daniel was still not at home, since he was at a meeting tonight. Once he came home, it had started to rain. Consequently, Daniel was rather wet. When he got home, Totte the cat came inside with him. Our cats Totte and Malin are often outdoors this time of the year, but when it rains, they often want to come inside. I can understand that. Malin is still outdoors, I guess she has found another place to get out of the rain. It feels good to have a roof over your head when the rain is falling. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

City Council

Daniel was at the City Council all day. He told us a little about it afterwards. It seems to me it was very dull. There were a lot of issues that were discussed at lenght, but not a single one of them were about dogs. What is the point of discussing so many issues for a whole day, and yet no issue has got anything to do with dogs? Humans are strange sometimes. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Deer Here

We have three dog yards on our little piece of land. One big just outside the door, and two smaller to the side of it. 

When we went outdoors this afternoon, a deer had found its way into one of the smaller dog yards.

It was a shame it was not the big dog yard, where we were, so we could take care of it for food. 

Paula took us indoors again and called Daniel on the telephone to tell him about the deer. Then Paula waited for Daniel to come home, hoping for the deer to go away. When Daniel came home, he told us the deer was gone. 

This was not much of an adventure, but it was more unusual than most of the things that happen at our home. It will be remembered. Life is good, when it is filled with events worthy to remember. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Lights On

It is getting darker earlier in the night and full darkness throughout. Paula wants the light on in the bathroom, so it will be easier to find your way there, if you have to go in the middle of the night.

This is unnecessary for us dogs. We have better night vision than humans and we go outside, not to he bathroom. We can also wait until next morning much more often, before we have to go. 

Despite this, we are not at all opposed to the light being on in the bathroom. If Paula wants to, we let her have the light on. It does not disturb our sleep in the bedroom. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Horse Competitions

Paula, Daniel, and I went to Segersjö to the south east of Örebro today. There were horse competitions by Segersjö Manor and a lot of different companies and organisations were there to promote different goods and services. We were there to help Örebro County Kennel Club.

It was fun to meet a lot of different people, who were all interested in dogs. There were also many other friendly dogs there, and a few less friendly. Over all, it was a nice event and I am glad we went there.

Our Kennel Club will probably be there next year as well. If this happens, I hope I will be there too. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Not Much Happened

It is Saturday today and not much happened all day. This is the way we often like our Saturdays. There is a lot of work to doin the workdays, so we deserve to take it easy in the weekends.

Life is good, when you can just relax and take it easy.

Friday, August 23, 2024


We celebrate Paula’s birthday today. 

Paula thinks she is getting too old. We believe Paula is of just the right age. She can take care of us and everything else, so she is neither too young, nor too old. She is of perfect age. 

Let us all hail Paula on her birthday today! 

Thursday, August 22, 2024


We had rain again today. We wonder whether the rain over the last few days will mean the lawn will grov more.

When Daniel mowed it last Saturday, he hoped it was for the last time this season. In this way, he hope autumn is already here. On the other paw, Daniel also hopes it will stay warm outside for several weeks longer, so he will not have to turn the heat on indoors. Warm days with rain will surely cause the lawn to grow. There is a downside to any alternative. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Broken Bag of Garbage

Daniel was about to go out with the bag of garbage in the kitchen. Unfortunately for him, it was broken. A lot of the garbage spilled out on the floor. 

We did not help Daniel clean up. The smell was bad. We were glad he did, though. 

Life would be much better without garbage. Dogs do not produce nearly as much garbage as humans do. In fact, the little garbage we do produce, could just be left in nature and would fertilize that which grows there. I guess garbage is something you have to accept, for living in a house with modern facilities. Perhaps in the future, science will find ways to get a modern life without producing garbage, but I would not bet on it. This would be long past our life times, anyway. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Pancakes is traditionally eaten on Thursdays. We had pancakes today, however. This was because we had milk that needed to be consumed, before it would get too old. Milk is a main ingredient in pancakes. 

Paula fed us dogs some pancakes. While she and Daniel enjoyed the pancakes, we did not really fancy it. We did eat some, but we are carnivores and would rather eat meat. 

Pancakes can be served with meat in them. This is called crepes. Perhaps we can get crepes sometime. I think we would like crepes better. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Cold Morning

On the morning walk today, it really felt like autumn. It felt cold, for the first morning in a long time. Both Paula and Daniel wore jackets.

It is still August, summer, and the warmth did come in the afternoon. The evening felt like a summer evening. We still know that autumn is coming. The cold morning was a premonition of this next season. 

Autumn is a beautiful season in many ways. It is just that I am not fond of the colder days. There will be a new summer next year, though. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Trip That Was Perhaps a Bit Useless

Paula, Daniel, and Pepe went to a dog show today. The aim was not to show Pepe, but to meet a friend who could help train Pepe for future dog shows. This could be a good thing. It is important to know what to do in the show ring, to get the best possible result.

The friend never showed.

Paula, Daniel, and Pepe went home again. They had had a good time. However, since the main purpose of the trip was not fulfilled, they felt a little sad when they came home. We had a nice evening and by late night, everyone was quite happy again. All is well that ends well. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Meatballs and Minced Meat

Daniel cooked meatballs today. At first, we figured we would get some, but we got plain minced meat instead. This is better, it does not include onions, which some say are not healthy for dogs. I think I prefer the taste of minced meat as well. 

Totte also had some minced meat. Our cats Totte and Malin are usually more picky with their food than we dogs are, but Totte likes chicken meat and minced meat. We understand why he likes it.

Our regular dog food is good, but it is nice to get some extra luxurious food like minced meat once in a while. 

Friday, August 16, 2024


We got to eat grilled chicken today. Daniel gave us some. We told him it was so tasty, he gave us more and more.

It is a good world we live in, where things can taste so good as chicken meat. We were all quite satisfied with the taste, but would have loved to get even more than the bits we got. We wish we could get chicken more often. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Club House

We took a trip to the club house of the Örebro läns Kennel Club today. There were some things Paula and Daniel needed to do after the dog show last weekend. I got to come as well.

It is fun to go with Paula and Daniel to the club house. This makes me feel special. I can also help Paula and Daniel with the things they have to do. 

This is probably not the last time I go to the club house. We just have to wait and see when the next time will be. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Chopping Wood

Daniel spent a lot of the day chopping wood. We have wood in large chunks, but it needs to be chopped to burn well, Daniel says.

Dogs have been around for millenia. We use humans to control fire for us, something we cannot do. For me and my companion dogs, we are happy that Daniel and Paula can control fire and that they prepare for fires next winter. Life will be warm in the winter. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Kennel Club House

We were at the Kennel Club house today, to bring back things from the dog show last weekend. It is always fun to be there. I made sure Paula and Daniel did the right things when they put things back in the storage rooms.

It is a good thing I was there, this way everything was put in the right place.  

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Successful Show

The dog show in Askersund had its second and final day today. From what I have understood, it was a success. Paula, Daniel, and Pepe, who were there today, were too tired to talk much about it, though. They were happy when they came home, which is a sign of success. I guess they will tell us more tomorrow. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024


There is no good word for "dog show" in Swedish. When you talk about Best in Show, we have no good term in our language. I wish we had. We call it Best in Show, even though this is not Swedish. It works well anyway. The main thing is the result. For us this weekend, the results are good. Life is good. 

Friday, August 09, 2024

Building in the Rain

Daniel and some other people was building the dog show ground this afternoon, in the rain. We did not envy them. It was better to stay indoors, which we did. It is nice to have humans to work for us. 

Thursday, August 08, 2024


We have made preparations for the dog show this weekend. It is the greatest annual event in the whole of Örebro County. With all the preparations that we and others have made, it is bound to be a success, I believe. 

It will be a busy weekend, but a lot of fun. 

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Lost the Quarter Final

The Swedish gents in handball in the Olympic Games lost their Quarter final to Denmark. It was close, but Denmark was a goal up when the match was over. The Swedes fought bravely, but, alas, not well enough. Denmark is a good handball nation. They have won the last three World Championships and handball is originally a sport from Denmark. I guess you could call this an honourable loss, if you believe in such losses. 

Tuesday, August 06, 2024


In a part of France, they hunted a suspect who was thought to sabotage fibre cables. After a long search, it was found out that the culprit was a weasel. The police ended their search. 

It is not that I like sabotage against fibre cables, but if such sabotage would happen, I would also want the culprit to be a weasel. 

Another Gold

Armand Duplantis won the Olympic gold medal 🥇 today in pole vault. He defended his gold from the previous Olympic Games. Then he continued and set an Olympic record, then a new World record. With this, Duplantis must be one of the greatest Swedish athletes ever. This made it even better to follow the pole vault live on TV. Sports can be great entertainment. 

Sunday, August 04, 2024

No Place Like Home

We have been on a journey to the south of Sweden this weekend. It was interesting to see new parts of our country and to live a few days at a hotel. We had fun. 

Paula and Daniel visited the wedding of Daniel’s niece Isabella. They told us it was a fine ceremony and a nice dinner afterwards.

We came back home this afternoon, and it feels very well to be back. We sleep in our ordinary bed tonight. The journey was nice, but there is no place like home. 

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Dog Park

We visited a dog park tonight. Paula and Daniel took me, Pepe, and Morran there. We were the only dogs in the park at the time, so we were allowed to roam freely across the fenced in park.

Our own yard at home is great, but it was very nice to run around for free on a different lawn. We all enjoyed it very much. 

There should be more dog parks like this across the country. 

Friday, August 02, 2024

Equestrian Jumping Team Final Without Mexico

In the Olympic Games, there was the equestrian jump team final. Mexico was qualified to participate, but could not put a team together. Pepe and I were very disappointed. This was all the more tragic, because Germany participated, so Morran could root for Germany. Of course, we could root for Sweden, but it would have been better, had Mexico been there, too. You never know what could stand in the way of participation in a competition, though. I wish all the best for everyone in the Mexican team. 

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Touch Screens

Touch screens on tablets or mobile telephones can be annoying. Today, I did not think I touched the screen, yet, a blog entry was started, and then I started another one. 

I deleted the first blog post. There was no need to write two blog posts the same day, just because I happened to start two by mistake. 

On other occasions, I have touched a touch screen, but nothing has happened. This is also annoying, until you manage to get the screen to react. 

For the most part, however, touch screens are good tools on good communication devices. There is seldom reason to complain, which somehow makes it more urgent to complain once something does not work as expected. I actually like the devices most of the time. They are nice.