Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Sweden got its first gold medalist in the current Olympic Games today. It was Sara Sjöström, who won the 100 metres free style swimming. 

If dogs were to compete, we would dog paddle. I know how to, I have done it. I do not think any dog would be as fast as the human competitors in free style swimming, though. Many dogs would outperform the humans in the athletics running competitions, though. The Olympic Games are only for human competitors, however. I think this is just as well. Dogs have our own competitions which are good enough for us. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


When Paula and Daniel was cleaning today, they put some garbage in the fire place and lit it. It started to produce a lot of smoke, so much that the fire alarm in the kitchen went on. The garbage was too damp, so it would not brun properly, this is why there was so much smoke. Eventually, though, Daniel made the glow start to burn and the smoke disappeared. It is good that our humans know reasonably well how to handle fire. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Mowing the Lawn Again

Daniel mowed the lawn again. This is good for small dogs like us. When the lawn is cut short, there is less risk that we get attacked by ticks. Ticks like high straws of grass, we do not have that now. I like a well mowed lawn. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Long Walk

Paula went for a long walk today. She did not bring any of us dogs.

We were fine with this. While we enjoy a short walk, long walks are nothing we fancy. It is cooler just to stay at home. We also fulfilled our duty as guard dogs, which we take pride in. It was good to stay at home. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ring Steward

Daniel is authorised to work as a ring steward at dog shows. This is important work. He does this in Ransäter this weekend.

Paula is on her way to become authorised. We all hope she will manage to be this soon. She was about to do some trainee sessions this weekend in Ransäter, but had obstacles in her way. There must be things she can do to finish the whole thing. We will support her the best we can.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Olympic Games Opening Ceremony

The 2024 Olympic Games, which are held in Paris, had its opening ceremony today. It was a spectacle.

Some of the Olympic tournaments have already started, of course. Football and handball are examples of this. 

I wish I was around when the Olympic Games were held in Mexico. It would have been nice to see the TV broadcasts from the home country of my breed. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Daniel will work at a dog show this weekend. He read tonight about the rules on the dog breeds which will be shown in his ring. 

It is important to prepare for a show this way. I often prepare for things myself. It takes a lot of preparations to stay allert and cute, the way I am. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Damp Lawn

We have had showers of rain now and then today. It is best to stay indoors when the rain is falling.

We cannot get away from the rain drops that stay on the lawn, though. The lawn is damp because of all the rain. For small dogs like us, this does not just make our paws wet, a tummy of a Chihuahua can also get wet from the damp lawn. We do not really fancy this.

It is nice that it is always dry indoors. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Trip to a Lake

We did not go to a lake today, but Paula did. She spent the day with her mother, sitter, niece, and nephew at a lake some kilometres outside of Örebro. We have been there too, but I like it better when I can stay at home. Baths is not my thing.

In the afternoon, when Paula came home, she was happy. It has been a good day at the lake. I still believe I had a better day at home. There is no reason to take a bath, if you do not have to. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Music of Different Kinds

Paula played a lot of different songs tonight, talking to us about the significance of most of these songs in her life. It is fascinating how much music can mean to humans. I like good music, I just do not think music means so much. To each her own happiness, however. We got minced meat for dinner today, thisis among the things I like the best. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

A New Axe

When Daniel was chopping wood yesterday, the axe broke. He purchased a new one today, and it worked better than the former, he said. It also comes with a 25 year warranty, which is good. 

I am glad Daniel chops wood for us. Dogs let humans control fire for us. Chopped wood is one thing that is needed for fire. Life is good with controlled fire. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

A Walk in Wadköping

Paula, Daniel, and I went down to the town today. We went around among the old houses in what is called Wadköping. It was sunny and hot weather, so hot that we decided not to stay to eat lunch there. It was a nice walk, anyway, but I would have preferred istid it were not quite so hot. 

Friday, July 19, 2024


We got a sausage for dinner, Cutugno into small pieces so we would all get some of it. Morran says sausages are the best food there is. She says this with her experience as a dog of a German breed, while Germany is a country well known for its sausages. Sausages are civilised food, Morran says, because it utilizes parts of the eaten animals which we might otherwise just dispose of, and makes this tasty and healthy. The sausage we got tonight was very tasty, so I do not argue with Morran about this. The sausage really made this a better day. This is good. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Once in a while, Paula sings. Pepe enjoys to join her by howling. Daniel does not like the noise that he says is caused by Pepe, when Pepe howls. While Daniel has never objected to Paula singing before, he does now, because of Pepe’s howling. I think this is unfair to both Paula and Pepe. If they want to make music, they should be allowed to do so. I do not mind. It might be that I am just more open minded than Daniel. Whatever Daniel says, however, I think there will be more songs and more howls in the future. He just have to accept this. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


We have had a lot of rain in Örebro, even floods in the centre of the city. 

There were even worse floods in Toronto, Canada, however. Roads and cars have been flooded. 

Our car at home here in Örebro have made it. We are safe from the floods. This feels good. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Paula made meatballs for dinner. This was great. First, we got to taste some of the minced meat. Then, we got to taste some of the uncooked meatballs. Finally, we got to taste some finished meatballs. It was great. 

Meatballs should be served more often, to all dogs. It is one of the greatest human inventions ever. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Short Showers

We have had rain on and off this afternoon. It has been heavy rainfalls, short times, but more than once. 

Luckily, we were all indoors when the rain fell this way.

In Sweden, rain is as much summer weather as sunshine. The rain is fairly cold and it stays wet for a long time. We have to be thankful for the water, anyway. Much too dry weather is even worse. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Spain Won

Spain won the Euro 2024, with a result of 2-1 in the final versus England.

Pepe and I rooted for Spain. We are of a Mexican dog breed, so a Spanish team feels more close to us than an English team. Paula also rooted for Spain, she usually does, because of her Colombian roots. We celebrate now. 

Daniel and Morran wanted England to win. They agreed, though, that Spain deserved the victory. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Lawn

The lawn was mowed again today. Paula, Pepe, and I went or to check on Daniel, when he was mowing the lawn. He said he had about these quarters of an hour left. It turned out he was right.

It sure is better to have a well mowed lawn, especially for us small dogs.

Friday, July 12, 2024

A Simple Dinner

This evening, there were just a couple of sandwiches for dinner. This can be just as good as an advanced, cooked meal. 

Well, there was also a sausage that was shared among us dogs. This was the real treat, but also a simple dinner. 

It is a nice Friday night. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Peace Talks

We had to have some peace talks today, when our cat friend Totte suddenly came up in the bed and demanded a place for himself. Unfortunately for him, he got up just where Morran had made a place to lie down. When Morran growled, we had to step in and peace talks came about. Now we all have a place each in the bed. It all turned out well. 

I wish peace talks in international human politics would be as easy as it is by us. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Other Semi Final

The Netherlands played England in the second semi final, and scored first. Then England got a penalty and scored. For a long time, it was 1-1, but England scored a second goal when there were just a few minutes left of the game. England will face Spain in the final on Sunday. It will be interesting. 

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Semi Final

If you are from Mexico,or your breed is, you have a certain feeling for every country where people speak Spanish. There is one such country in Europe, Spain, and it played in the UEFA Euro semi final in football tonight. The opponent France scored first, but Spain scored twice soon after the French goal. 

Even Morran rooted for Spain. She says Spain beat Germany, which she rooted for, and it is better to lose to a team that goes far. 

The game was exciting to the end. Eventually, Spain won, 2-1. It was a good game. 

Monday, July 08, 2024


We got some tuna inpudra food today. It was mixed into a sauce and it was really tasty.

Fish can actually be really good food. While beef and pork is great, fish is, too. It is suitable food for carnivores like us. I could eat tuna more often. 

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Damp Lawn

There has been a lot of rain lately. There were 17 mm yesterday and last night. The lawn has been so damp that Daniel has not been able to follow through with his plan to mow it. 

We like well mowed lawns, but if it cannot be done properly, I guess we will have to wait. Daniel will work in the week to come. We may have to wait until next weekend to get a well mowed lawn. The weather will make the difference. We will have to see. 

The Other Quarter Finals

Tonight, the quarter finals of England v. Switzerland and the Netherlands v. Turkey was played.

We had different opinions on the first game. It went to penalty shots, where England won. Daniel was pleased with this result 

In the other game, we all rooted for the Netherlands. We were happy that the Netherlands won, 2-1. There are dogs in the Netherlands who have Aangenaam dogs in their pedigrees and who are happy for this result. 

Friday, July 05, 2024

Quarter Finals

The first quarter finals were played tonight. First, the host nation Germany played Spain, then Portugal played France.

Spain won, 2-1, after over time. This means the host nation is out. Morran always roots for Germany and is sad now. 

France and Portugal had 0-0 after over time, a dull game. It went to penalties, where France won. 

Thursday, July 04, 2024

No Fireworks Here

It is a good thing we don’t have Americans living close by. They often shoot fireworks on the 4 July, their national holiday, today. While I do not care about the noise, many dogs would be scared. Wildlife too. 

In Sweden, we often have fireworks on New Year’s Night, and crackers then and at Easter. It would be better not to. It would also be better for the Americans not to have it this day. For the sake of dogs and wildlife, I wish this would stop. You can celebrate without this noise.

Happy 4 July to all American dogs and humans! 

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Being Petted

There are moments when I just want to be petted for a while. Luckily, I am a pet. My humans like to pet me. Whenever they are around and I want to be petted, they pet me. This is a great perk of being a pet. I believe most dogs have it like this. At least I hope so. Being petted is great, when you just want to. 

Tuesday, July 02, 2024


Pepe went to the veterinarian today to be vaccinated. This is something all of us dogs have to do once in a while. Paula drove him there.

Pepe said it was a good trip. There were other dogs there, one of which barked at him, but he did not care much. However, he thinks there should always be treats served afterwards, and it wasn’t. I tend to agree with Pepe on this. Above all, it would be nice for those dogs who do not like shots. Pepe did not mind the shot and was happy when he was back home again. We all got treats later. 

Monday, July 01, 2024

Back to Work

Daniel has had two weeks of vacation, but went back to work today. This meant the alarm clock went off in the morning. It is a good thing for us dogs, that we could go back to sleep after the morning walk. 

Sometimes, I would also like to have a vacation. As a dog, we can often sleep in the mornings, but we are constantly on call. We are always on duty as watch dogs, companions, etc. On the other paw, I wonder what I would do on a vacation. My duties are always there, but I like them and I like my life. I would never want to trade it with the life of a human, even though humans have vacations.