Sunday, June 30, 2024


England was the favourite playing Slovakia, and Spain was the favourite playing Georgia.

England had a hard time winning. They tied the game in the very last minute, then won by scoring the only goal in overtime. 

Georgia, just like Slovakia, also scored the first goal of the game. Spain came back sooner, and scored many more goals. 

Both favourites won, but England did not impress. We will have to see how far England can go. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Final Sixteen

The UEFA Euro 2024 has started the final sixteen games. Tonight, we have seen Switzerland versus Italy and Germany versus Denmark.

Morran always roots for Germany. She is of a German breed, this is why. 

We can conclude that there will be a new European champion. Italy won the last tournament, but Switzerland won their game tonight. This makes the rest of the tournament a little more interesting. 

Germany won the game versus Denmark. This made Morran happy and we are glad for her sake. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Music in the Distance

There is some kind of concert going on at some distance from us. We hear the bass of the music. Paula thinks it is a little annoying. For my part, I can sleep anyway. 

Music in the distance makes you hear a concert without paying for it. I do it think I would pay to get in to the concert. It is quite enough for me to hear it from a distance. 

Appart from the music in the distance, we have had an ordinary day at home. Life is good. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Warm Days

We have warm and sunny days this week. This is no problem for us Chihuahuas, we are from Mexico with its warmer climate.

Summer in Sweden is great. You cannot complain about these temperatures.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


When I am writing this on the Ipad, its battery is running low. There is just 10 % of it left. While I know that this is usually more than enough for me to finish a blog post, it still makes me a little uncomfortable. I would not want to run out of energy before I am done with the blog post. It would be easier if the telephones and reading pads would have better batteries. Chances are they will have in the future, but it is probably years from now. Nevertheless, I managed to finish this blog post with the battery power that was left. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


We went to a lake today, where they have a beach where dogs are welcome. This is great, even though I am not fond of taking baths. I just swam for a little while. 

When we arrived, there were two women there with one of these Stand Up Paddle board, SUP board. The younger woman tried to use the SUP board for a while, and the other woman supported her. Apparently, it was not easy. The younger woman could not steer properly and fell into the water a few times. She gave up rather quickly.

If it is this hard to use a SUP board, I cannot see the allure of them. You sit down in an ordinary canoe and it is quite easy to learn how to use it and to steer. Why, then, would you want to use a much more difficult SUP board? If you want to learn how to use it, why give up so quickly that the younger woman did? Humans are strange sometimes. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Important Meeting

Daniel was at a meeting this weekend. It was very important, because it was about the dog show in Askersund in August. A lot of the preparations are already done, but there are some things still not done. We all hope everything will work out fine. 

We may all go to Askersund and the dog show. These plans are still not set. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Pepe Came Back Home

Pepe has been away for a couple of days. He came back home today. This means everyone is at home now.

Malin stays outside tonight, but we know she is close by, which means she is really at home. She may stay outside, when she wants to. 

I like it this way, when everyone is at home. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Back Home

Daniel came back home today, after a few days away. We were all happy to see him.

Then we celebrated, but not that Daniel was back home, but that Paula had her name day today. Name days are good things to celebrate. They are also celebrated in Mexico, but according to the Catholic name day calendar. I am not sure if Paula is celebrated on the same day. We celebrate on the Swedish name day, of course. 

Friday, June 21, 2024


Midsummer Eve is a day of celebration in Sweden. We celebrate the longest day and the summer solstice. There are a lot of good food and treats. We like this.

Merry Midsummer, everyone! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Just a Few

Pepe went away for a while today. He will come back home in a couple of days. Malin and Totte spend most of their summer days outdoors, as cats tend to do. We are just a few at home. It has advantages, there is more focus on each one of us. While I like it better when everyone is at home, I cannot say I dislike this. Life is good this way as well. This is good. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Rain and Thunder

We had rain, lightning, and thunder today. It feels good to be indoors when the rain is pouring down.

Some dogs do not like thunder. None of us here at home care much about it, though. It is just a sound of nature to me. I feel for the dogs who do not like it, and I wish them the best. To me, I can see no reason to worry, however. Life is good. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Euro 2024

The UEFA European Championship in football is played now. Sweden does not participate, due to bad performance in the qualification games. Mexico does not participate, because it is not a member of UEFA. 

Morran roots for Germany, the home country of her breed. In the absence of other teams to root for, I guess I can do the same. My heart is not fully into it, however. 

I hope Sweden will qualify for the next World Cup. Mexico is one of the hosts, so we will be able to root for Mexico. This will feel better. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Candy Cars

We had some of this specifically Swedish candy, which is called cars, and has the shape of old cars, tonight. Candy can be tasty, and I like this, but I prefer meat. 

Paula and Daniel are not fond of us saving candy. If we try to, they take it away. This is a little annoying. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Taking Care of the Home

When one of our humans are not at home, we need to take better care of it. When both are not at home, even more so. Today, Daniel went away. This means we have to step up and take better care of the home, until Daniel is back. We always rise to the challenge. Life is exciting and good. 

Friday, June 14, 2024


Water got stuck in the basin in our bathroom today. Daniel had to unscrew the drain and clean it.

There was a lot of dirt inside the drain, and this dirt had clogged the drain. It was rather easy to get rid of the clogging dirt, however. Then the water could flow freely down the drain.

We hope it is a long time before the drain needs to be cleaned again. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Colombian Ship in Stockholm

A grand sailing ship from Colombia visited Stockholm this week. Colombia is the country where Paula was born, so she has a special relationship to Colombia. If we would have lived in Stockholm, we would probably have gone to see the ship. It would certainly have been a magnificent sight to see. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Board Meeting

This was a special evening. Paula and I accompanied Daniel to a board meeting with the regional kennel club in the club house. I got to sit in the lap of Daniel for a large part of the meeting.

There were many good decisions made at the meeting. I believe my presence was inspiring for all the dog people at the board, so I guess the decisions were improved thanks to me. It feels good to make a contribution in this way. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

About to Forget

There have been days when I have forgot to write in the blog. This annoys me afterwards, since it is supposed to be a daily blog. Hailey and Polly did not quite keep it daily, either, but this is hardly an excuse. 

I almost forgot today. It is rather late when I write this. It just hit me, that I had not made any blog entry. Here you go, today’s blog entry. It may be boring, but stay tuned. Some future blog entries will surely be better. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Cold June

For a dog of a breed from Mexico, the weather in Sweden is not always what I would like. In the winter, I can understand it. In the summer, like now, one would think it could be warmer. Nevertheless, we have had such a cold and damp weather now that we turned the heat on for a while. We turned it off again after a while, but consider that we had the heat on in June, and you realize what a cold summer it is, so far. If you could lodge a complaint against the summer weather, I would. 

Sunday, June 09, 2024

EU Parliament Election

There was an election for the EU parliament today. Daniel went around to some of the places where people voted, because he is a member of the communal election authority. I did not quite understand what he did, but he seemed positive with the results.

I have tried to find out more on the policy about dogs in the EU among the political parties, but not much have been said. Whether this is good or bad, is hard to say. It might be good that the politicians do not want to regulate much about dogs. I hope this is the case. Time will tell. 

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Mowed Lawn

Everything green grows fast this time of the year. Daniel mowed the lawn again today.

It feels better for small dogs like us, to have a well mowed lawn. There is less risk for ticks, as well. 

In the afternoon, we had rain. Daniel had already mowed the lawn, so he was quite happy about this. 

Friday, June 07, 2024

Bird Flu

A man in Mexico has died from bird flu, type H5N2. This is the first time a human has been diagnosed with this type of bird flu. It seems like it has not been transferred to other humans.

I hope it has not been transferred to any dogs either. 

Thursday, June 06, 2024

I Stayed at Home

Despite the plans I wrote about in the blog post yesterday, I stayed at home today. I let Paula and Daniel go by themselves. They can do it. I also thought my presence might take the focus from the dogs who would compete. I did not want to deprive them of their place in the sunshine. 

Paula and Daniel came back in the afternoon, happy with the day. I was happy with my day. It is nice to be at home. 

Wednesday, June 05, 2024


Paula and Daniel went away to the kennel club grounds to prepare for a kind of celebrations of the National Holiday tomorrow. The most beautiful dog show winner will be named, and a lunch will be served. My plan is to come, but to stay out of the competition. You want there to be a fair fight, you know. 

Tuesday, June 04, 2024


Paula cleaned the house today and went out with garbage. There were a lot of old and tattered clothes and stuff, that was not worth keeping.

I helped Paula. The other dogs did not want to come, but I did. I believe my help was valued a lot. 

It is satisfying to make a difference like this. 

Monday, June 03, 2024

Washing Machine

The washing machine has not functioned properly over the last weeks. It got really bad last week. However, Paula and Daniel have managed to take care of it. It is washing properly again, thanks to their joint effort.

It is easier being a dog. Our coats never need to go through the washing machine. 

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Upcoming Election

There is an election next Sunday, for the EU Parliament. Swedes vote for people from Sweden.

It is possible to vote in advance. Daniel voted today, while Paula has said she will vote tomorrow. 

I will not vote. Dogs are disenfranchised. Paula and Daniel always say they consider dog policy and dog rights in politics, however. We like this. 

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Summer and Thunder

It is warm weather and there were times when we heard thunder in the distance. This is great, it is nice summer weather. While I am comfortable with thunder close by as well, it is cozier to hear it on a distance. We willhave to see if thunder and rain will come all the way to our place in the remaining days of warm weather.