It is with considerable awe of my predecessors, and no small amount of nervousness, that I write this blog post. I will do my best to keep up with the legendary Hailey and my late friend Polly, to take good care of their blog.
This blog is written in English. This is not my first language. My mother taught me Swedish, Icelandic, and some Spanish, the language of my Mexican breed. Still, English is an international language among dogs, as well as among humans. Modern dog breeding had its origin in England, English is the most common of the four official languages of the FCI, and we do learn it. Polly has also taught me a great deal. I hope I will not make anyone disappointed with the language.
We will have to see what I can write about. I will try to write in the style of Hailey and Polly. Laila, Morran, Viola, and Pepe have all said they may help me, for which I am grateful.
Stay tuned, please!